Saturday, June 27, 2015

Different Steps in Gasification Process

Coal Gasification process is totally technical. An engineers, specially in the particular field can
understand each and every minute steps involved in the process. However, common man with a basic knowledge of science can try to take hold on coal gasification and the equipment associated with it.

Take a look at the different steps involved in the gasification process
  • Drying & Charge Pre Heat: The producer gas (coal gas) flowing upstream through the reactor dries up the newly injected coal, making the next stage ,i.e pyrolysis easier and efficient.
  • Pyrolysis: Also known as de-volatization, the condition occurs when the heated coal releases char and volatile resulting in up to 70% weight loss for coal. The volatile being light in weight move upwards and the char moves downstream for the next process, i.e reduction.
  • Reduction: Here the char is acted upon by the carbon dioxide and steam generated from the final process of gasification i.e oxidation.
  • Oxidation: In this step, the reduced carbon (char) is burnt by blowing controlled air into the reactor. During the process, steam is injected simultaneously so that carbon gets oxidized in the presence of steam to generate Carbon dioxide and Hydrogen.

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