Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Clean Gas Technology to Replace Costly Fuels With Cheap Coal Gas

Fuels are expensive always. Talk about yesteryear or today, you will have to count huge money at the  
exchange of fuel for heat treatment in your industry. The rising expenses has lead many small-budget companies to shut down their working process. Even big shot industries feel the heat of high fuel price.

To comfort industries, CASE has introduced Pyrolysis Clean Gas Technology. The technology is an excellent way to get coal gas of high heat value, high heat efficiency for thermal application, Moreover, the technology ensures better tar recovery as compared to any other variants.

The best part is that any type of coal can be used in the CASE pyrolysis gasification process. Known to all, our earth is rich in coal reserves. Therefore, industries need not have to worry about the availability of feed stock material. Also, the coal price is cheap and one can keep control in their production cost.

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