The technology of Coal Gasification is to combust the Coal in a controlled oxygen environment. The resultant is the generation of Coal Gas whose primary constituent is CO instead of CO2. Coal gas is used extensively to replace high value fuels for thermal applications. This Gas can also be used to make fertilizers and Chemicals. The gasifiers listed below are primarily used for thermal applications.
Coal Gas Contains
Following Gases
CO |
H2 |
CH4 |
N2 |
CO2 |
Depending on the type of gasifier, the percentage of
these Gases Changes. So does the Calorific values.
CASE Coal Gasifier are of various types. Different types of Gasifiers
are used for different Applications depending on the following:
Type of Application:
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Gasifier Automation Required:
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Quantity of Gas Required:
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Gas Calorific Value Desired:
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Pressure at Burner Point Desired:
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Distance of user point from the Gasifier:
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Burner level Automation:
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Quality of Coal:
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Granularity of Coal:
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Economic Constraints:
On the basis of the above information provided by the user, the gasification technologist at CASE selects the optimum technology and type of gasifier suitable to meet the users’ demand.
is the Basic type of Gasifier. This Gasifier Converts Coal into coal gas and
the Gas output temperature is over 450° C
and the pressure is about 150mmWC.
The positive of this technology is low capex and Opex. There is no Tar or Phenol water generated in this technology. The technology is a hot favorite of Steel Rolling mills, Galvanizing Plants, Annealing lines etc.
The cons for this technology are that burner level
automation is not possible and these gasifiers need to be installed very close
to the user point.
This technology requires Lump coal of size 15mm – 50mm. These gasifiers can be designed for a wide range of coals varying from high grade Anthracite coals to low grade bituminous coals having high ash coal. The Coal quantity required per NM3 of Coal Gas generated depends on the Quality of coal.
These Gasifiers are one generation above Hot Gasifiers. In this technology,
Gasifier gas can be scrubbed of the TAR and Clean cold Gas can be boosted to
any pressure as per user’s requirements. The phenol water is 100% recirculated
back into the system. The Gas composition is almost same as in Hot Gasifier
except high CH4 (4-6%) which results in Calorific value to be over
1400 Kcal/Nm3.
The Negatives of this technology is that if the Gas required is over
35000Nm3/hr, Battery of gasifiers are required resulting in
increasing costs on man power and Opex.
Just like hot gasifiers, the gas quantity generated in these gasifiers are similarly dependent on the quality of coal used for gasification. Likewise, coal used in these gasifiers is also of wide variety varying from low ash like “Anthracite” or high ash like “Indian F Grade coal”.
Fluidized Bed Gasifiers:
Gasifiers are the third-generation gasifiers where coal fines of 0mm-10mm size
can be used for gasification. These Gasifiers have Fluidized Bed where Coal
fines, Steam and Air are pumped from the bottom to the top. The gas comes out
from the top which needs to be filtered and can be compressed to any pressure
depending on the user requirements. In this
technology there is no generation of Tar or Phenols.
The calorific value of gas is about 1300Kcal/Nm3 and can be increased to about 1800Kcal/Nm3 by adding oxygen in the air which is used as gasifying agent.
These gasifiers involve a higher capex but they are low in opex as
compared to the other two variants explained above.
The coal used in these gasifiers can be fines below size of 10mm but the
ash content needs to be less than 25%. This technology is well established now
and many installations are available to vouch for the technology. This
technology can generate 60000Nm3/Hr gas in single cell. This is a
boon where gas requirement is in high quantities.
These gasifiers are Fourth-Generation Coal Gasifiers where the
technology is better than Circulating bed coal gasifiers. In this technology,
High ash coal can be used of size less than 100 microns.
These gasifiers are down draft in contrast to all the above three cousins. In these gasifiers the temperature is maintained over Ash fusion temperature of coal used. The majority ash comes out in liquid form from the bottom.
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