Friday, March 20, 2015

Massive Gasifier Plant at Mississipi Completed : Company News

Coal Power Plant in Mississippi
Successful testing of burners associated with massive gasifiers at Mississippi Power's $6 billion
Kemper County lignite coal power plant was completed earlier this month, the company said.

The plant is about a 30-minute drive east of Philadelphia just south of the Moscow community off Mississippi 493.

The testing was one of the plant's most significant milestones to date when engineers successfully performed the "first fire" and associated activities with the gasifiers.

The gasifiers - the centerpiece of the project - are designed to convert lignite coal to synthesis gas, or syngas, for use in power generation.

The burners for both of the project's gasifiers functioned as predicted in their first test, completing another important step toward finishing the project, which is expected in the first half of 2016.

"The Kemper County energy facility will be capable of powering thousands of homes and businesses with electricity derived from an underutilized and affordable Mississippi resource," said Mississippi Power President and CEO Ed Holland.

"The full operation of Kemper will represent more than the final milestone for this project. I believe it will be a transformational moment in the history of energy production."

The gasifiers will transform lignite mined adjacent to the plant into syngas, which will fuel the plant's turbines to generate clean, safe, reliable and affordable electricity.

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